Saturday, February 4, 2012

Indian Uprising

I am going to bring you all up to date on what is happening in Panama this past week.  Starting last Monday the Gnobi Indians started protesting about from what I understand is part of a law being passed that involves mining.  This area it has been discovered is rich in copper and there are plans to start mining it - but much of this rich deposit sits on Indian land.  Now I have heard varying stories about just what the protest is about -I have heard that President Martinelli has sold Indian owned land that holds around $300 billion of copper and yet the Indians will not receive any of it -  but I cannot confirm this but it sounds very Panamanian like that this could take place.
To protest what is done is close down the Intercontinental highway - the ONLY road that goes across Panama- this does cause the country to  come to a standstill in many ways .  All fresh produce comes from this area and we are on one side of the blockade so Panama City by this weekend will run out of fresh vegetables and fruits.  What is affected on this side of the blockade is that no fuel can come it and it comes from the port at Panama City and also some food supplies. 
The protest spread as of Thursday and they blocked the roads going to Bocas Del Toro and I share this because that is when it started affecting us personally.  We had reservations to take Kaiden there for a weekend of snorkeling - seeing dolphins etc.. We got up yesterday and took the bus to David in hopes that that a bus was running to Bocas but no luck - we ended up returning back to Boquete with our back packs.
How they block the highways is to pile up cut down trees, tires and rocks in the roads often times setting the trees on fire.. As of yesterday the protests took on drastic changes though. The truck drivers who are setting with semi loads of rotting food etc have now joined in with the Indians and formed a blockade at the Costa Rica border - from what I have read there are over 50 trucks blocking both lanes of the road.
Hundreds of people who were on buses are stopped at Santiago the city that is about 1/2 way between David and the City and is always the stop you can get off and buy food. One of the buses was filled with tourists from Costa Rica and as of yesterday reports are that this bus load was taken hostage by the Indians.  I am not sure exactly what they have done as no one can leave the are anyway but they must have them in a  restricted area. 
I have no idea just what this will mean as of today- Panama is a VERY peaceful society - will the national police attempt to rescue them?  Panama has no military so the police that guard the borders etc are what will be active.  It seemed like yesterday there was more of a presence of uniforms right here in Boquete and I have no idea why. 
Boquete is now being affected in many ways from the protests.  The gas stations are all out of diesel which is what most vehicles use here, especially the taxis and as of yesterday most of them were not running.  The streets have few cars and it is so quiet from the lack of traffic.  I went to Romeros the grocery store and was shocked to find that over half of the meat counter was empty and that I got the last loaf of prepackaged sliced bread.  The shelves are somewhat empty.  It reminds me of the predictions of a blizzard in Iowa but no snow shovels!!!!
How long will this last is not known - everyone thought it would be over in a couple of days as this has been done before and that has been the duration.  The Indians are demanding to meet with officials and they want the officials to travel to them.  They are making a huge economic impact on the country not only in produce etc but in tourism.  This is dollars that Panama cannot afford to loose,  and a reputation that is not wanted.
I look at is as another adventure in Panama and feel no danger but it is suddenly a different mind set.  Kaiden and I are to return to Panama City next Friday and I am considering flying instead of the bus. I took to the tour office here yesterday and she said to wait until Monday.  Then I read last night that the government is paying Copa airlines to fly people free of charge from David to Panama City.  So will see what Monday brings. I am hoping that it brings peace back to the country that will help both sides.
 If you want to see pictures and read more here is a web site.

1 comment:

  1. read your article with great interest. My
    daughter Elizabeth McCauley lives in Boquete and sent me a similar write-up. I live in Wilmington, N.C. 28403 (2324 4lst St. Apt. 224)Elzabeth McCauley
