I had a totally different experience at the orphanage this week. I arrived as usual and entered the preschool room and made the rounds. I have started doing this as I can get a feel for the "attitudes" this way and who needs me the most. Children that I had played with previously always come to me first. I turned to step around a chair to see who the girl was sitting in it and did a double take. Here sat a very young lady with a tiny baby on her chest. I walked around in front of her and used my Spanish lessons to learn that yes this was hers. A little girl name Abril ( April in English) and that she was 1 month old. I tried to cover my shock and asked if I could hold the baby - she gladly handed her over. A beautiful little dark skinned baby dressed in a fancy crocheted dress that would have come from the room full of clothes given to the orphanage. Under it was a cloth diaper with one single diaper pin holding it in the front. She was a tiny angel who would open her deep chocolate eyes and gaze at me or fuss until I gently swayed back and forth with her. The mother never looked my way, almost as if it was a relief to be shed of the burden of the care of her child. But she was a child, being only 13 and dropped off at the gate Trisker while pregnant. The father- who knows could be a relative a neighbor? The girl sat watching cartoons and for a moment escaping the life she has. I do not know if she will leave here or if she does if she can take her child with her - or if she would even want to. She is a child, a young girl who should be learning how to fix her hair, do her nails and all those things that girls in middle school do.
I sat with this baby Abril for 1 1/2 hours- looking into her eyes and wondering what her life would be. I have always loved tiny babies and this girl touched me. For those who ask how I can do this, I say how can I not. For a few hours each week I do my best to make a child or two feel special.
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