Monday, May 14, 2012

Time to return

As the days passed I tried to soak in more and more of the character of the city.  Hot - dirty - beautiful - fast paced- the list goes on and all seem to be conflicts of one another.  I walked and wondered how a city so full of beauty could also at the turn of a corner be so full of filth and poverty.  This time I had a much longer time to really see and feel how the city really was.  I found that the people are not as friendly in the city as in Boquete but is that so different than here?  I found them a lot less tolerant of my limited Spanish speaking abilities and less apt to laugh with me in my attempts. 
I thought I could walk and be anonymous or so I thought until the day that I was walking the street and heard a "hey lady" and turned to find a police man gesturing for me to come to his truck.  I looked it over saw that there were others on the street and crossed over to see what he wanted.  He asked if I was American and where I was staying then proceeded to tell me that "I have watched you- and you should no longer walk on the beach - no longer walk the streets - do not carry my camera." Creepy right?  I continued on home and could hardly wait to tell Goldie and Mary. 
I did not think anything more of it until the next morning while I was walking the beach and sure enough I looked up and standing by the buildings was the same cop.  This went on for several days and I started to get a little creeped out.  But finally it ended and I was once again "safe" to walk the beach and streets.  I am not sure if I felt safer or not with my guardian but it was different.
There also was the guy who was working construction right on the alley way that I used to access the beach.  The first day when he came down and spoke to me I did a quick check to make sure that there was other people around.  Being there was I had a short "Spanglish" conversation with him.  So each day I received and gave a morning Hola to him and his working companions.  I started to feel safer as he knew about how long I would be gone etc and I would see him watching for me.  Once again I had my own guardian angel looking over me.  I am sure that when I left he looked for me for several days!!!
It is different when you are totally alone and no one is waiting for your return as it was when I was house sitting while Goldie and Mary were gone.  I was aware that my situation was totally different then it had ever been before and that I needed to be more conscious of those around me.  I did have to walk Ouigi at night and that was a little unsettling but the neighborhood even though they did not know me did know Ouigi!!!.
One morning I left the apartment while the cleaning lady was there. Mary had said that it was no problem to leave her alone and to just tell her to lock the door and put the keys in the drawer in the entry- so I did.  Not thinking I did not take an extra set of keys with me forgetting that I had to unlock the door on the street and did not realize it until I went to let myself in while carrying bags of groceries.  There I am standing out side my door and no way in.  No problem I will just buzz the other apartments, explain who I am and they will buzz me in- Not a single person was home.  The doorman was no where to be seen. It is hot and humid and I am starting to panic just slightly when I idea hit me.  I remembered that Mary had mentioned that  the realty office on the corner had sold several of the units. It was a light bulb moment go ask if they had a key - easy right??  Once again using my best Spanish I tried to explain my dilemma only to find that the lady understood nothing I was saying- but luck was with me when out of another office came someone who did speak it.  I explained and she seemed a bit uncertain until I finally said all I need is for you to get me in the outside door that I had access to a key to actually get me into the condo. she looked thru several drawers and much to my relief she found a key.  I was saved and needless to say I NEVER left the place again with out a key!!!! A lesson learned the hard way.

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